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rock is great

I should have zoomed in on the birds
roofs over the beach
rock pools in Corsica
a watch-tower in Corsica
epic rocks in Corsica
awesome cliffs in Devon
the citadel at Caglari is built atop an intimidating plinth of rock and stone walls
the land and the sea
some great rocks
mummy seagull and her babies
the fountain of youth?
when you're trying to have an adventure and these guys are selfishly holding you up fixing the road
this mountain makes this waterfall look small
a mighty canyon, dug out by a humble river
the water naturally blasts up between the rocks every few seconds
when you let a 5-year-old design your bridge
see how the bushes are shaped by the wind coming up off the rock
a view in Taiwan
a cross atop a rock
it's great when the rocks look like this
a sea-horse in Corsica
a tidal pool in Corsica
a lonely medieval watch-tower
one can see some spectacular views from the mountains in Corsica
the mountain lakes in Corsica are beautiful
In Corsica they build everything out of granite
a wild sea batters the east coast of Taiwan